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Prince 1221

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Prince img3 Prince img4

Game based on the world famous "Prince of Persia". Written by Sergey Bobrov (sb3d) in 2014.

The task is extremely simple - figure out the system of buttons and doors, and, avoiding the deadly spikes, get to the exit located in the lower right corner (closed by a door at the beginning of the game). But no matter how simple the problem, it is so difficult to solve it. I myself had to wander thoroughly around the map, running into traps and dead ends. The main problem: there are inactive walls and active doors on the map, but they all look the same, so after pressing the button you have to climb around the map and see if any “wall” has disappeared. Moreover, there is no point in opening some doors; they either lead to a dead end or into a trap.

Game map (click to open):

Prince map

Game walkthrough (GIF): CLICK

Game code (TXT file):

1 GOSUB 94: A=3.4
2 I=0: GOSUB 30: B=1: I=A: FOR A=0 TO 9 STEP 3: GOTO 18
3 NEXT A: A=I: I=9: GOTO 9
4 I=1: C=0: GOTO 70
5 GOTO 8
6 H=G: C=0: GOTO 2
7 PRINT "Died": END
8 I=ASCI KEY: IF I=0 THEN 8: IF I<55; C=.2: IF I=52; C=-C
9 D=J: B=8: IF I=56; D=15: I=-1: IF 0=LEN T$(8+A) THEN 70: I=1.7
10 FOR E=A TO F=A+C*D STEP C+.1: IF 3=LEN T$(8+E) THEN 8: NEXT E: GOTO 16
15 IF A=F THEN 4+LEN V$(18+A): IF I<J; A=A+C: B=B+I: I=I-.566
16 A=A+C: IF J<=ABS(A-J); A=9.4-.9*INT A: G=G+C: GOTO 2
18 E=J*FRAC A: CSR A: FOR D=A+16 TO A+18: $=L$+V$(E)+L$
19 LETC K$(D)+ MID(B+LEN K$(D),7-LEN K$(D)-LEN W$(D)) +W$(D)
20 PRINT K$;: E=E-J: NEXT D: IF B>1 THEN 15: GOTO 3
30 GOSUB G: D=D(J*FRAC G): FOR F=29 TO 18 STEP -1: $="V": E$=$
31 D=D*.1: GOSUB 34+10*FRAC D: IF I>=0; I$(F)=$
32 IF I<=0; U$(F)=E$
35 E$="": RETURN
36 GOSUB 35
37 $="": RETURN
39 IF H=G THEN 34: E$="VH": RETURN
41 $="VEE": E$="EEEV": RETURN
42 $="V4LE": RETURN
55 E=71500140: F=106187: RETURN
56 D=71600140508: E=52044360: F=701345370: RETURN
57 D=782047310880: E=703880106: F=543107880: RETURN
58 D=703456034058: E=56380: F=380617: RETURN
59 PRINT "Win": END
70 G=G+I: GOSUB 30: CSR A+1: LETC S$: PRINT K$;
71 FOR E=-I*3 TO -E STEP I: FOR D=18 TO 29: $=L$+U$(D)+"V"+I$(D)+L$
72 IF 15<LEN $; LETC MID(5+E+LEN U$(D),7): CSR D-18: PRINT K$;
94 VAC: DEFM 24: D=16: E=254: F=186: G=56: H=40: I=108: FOR A TO 14
95 $="": B=2^A: FOR J=-2 TO 4: K=48+FRAC(E(J)/B)*32: IF K>=58; K=K+7
96 $=$+CHR K: NEXT J: L$(A)=$: NEXT A: K$=CHR 96: RETURN


Launching the game


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