For MK-85 users !!!! "Tetris" game Author: Sergey Bogdanov (fiks), 2000 Edited by: Bs0Dd, 2023, [] Original taken from the site: BEFORE you start entering the code, you must fill in cells Z$(10)-Z$(24) with codes for the addresses of subroutines executed in a certain sequence depending on the figure number. To do this, you need to use an auxiliary mini-program: 1 DEFM24:FORC=10TO24:Z$(C)="":FORI=1TO7:PRINT"C";C-9;" —";I; 2 INPUTV:Z$(C)=Z$(C)+CHRV:NEXTI:NEXTC The program will request numbers from this table (indicating the line and number of the number from the table) - enter them one by one: 154 185 169 75 87 184 184 168 37 184 184 184 184 184 183 154 139 38 25 83 187 183 154 26 169 37 26 188 158 88 188 184 184 184 184 168 184 184 184 184 184 184 168 168 184 184 184 184 184 185 164 33 159 22 58 38 183 154 182 169 38 25 87 154 183 169 28 58 37 184 53 164 182 159 35 82 188 168 33 187 184 184 184 184 183 154 182 163 118 82 58 154 186 169 76 188 184 184 168 78 184 184 184 184 184 After entering the last number, the program will automatically end. If you have a regular MK-85, you need to erase this program, otherwise there will not be enough space for the game (the game takes up step 1196 out of 1221). Please note that if you erase (either intentionally or through negligence) data cells, you will have to enter them again, erasing the mini-program portion of the game (266 steps required). Now enter the code for the game itself: 1 DEFM 9:VAC:G=1111111:GOTO 50 2 E=E-2 3 E=E+1:RETURN 4 B=C:RETURN 5 F=2:RETURN 6 F=3:RETURN 7 F=1 8 C=C+1:FOR D=E TO E+F-1:G(C)=G(C)+10^D:NEXT D:RETURN 9 IF C390;Z(8)=Z(8)-380:GOTO 73 75 Z(9)=Z(9)+4:CSR 5,:DEFM 24:CSR 11:PRINT CHR(Z(8)/10); 78 FOR Z(6)=1 TO 7:Z(7)=ASCIGETC(Z$(A+9),Z(6))/10 80 GOSUB INT Z(7):GOSUB 10*FRAC Z(7):NEXT Z(6):DEFM 9 81 IF C>24;CSR.,:PRINT "Game over",Z(9):GOTO 1 82 Z(6)=C-4 83 FOR E=Z(6) TO C:A=G(E):FOR F=0 TO 6 85 IF FRAC(A/10)=0;DRAWC E,F:GOTO 88 86 DRAW E,F 88 A=INT(A/10):NEXT F:NEXT E:FOR E=1 TO 24 90 IF G(E)=G;FOR F=ETO23:G(F)=G(F+1):NEXTF:Z(6)=E:C=24:GOTO 97 92 NEXT E:GOTO 50 97 Z(9)=Z(9)+7:Z(5)=0:GOTO 83 98 GOSUB 99+A:A=A+1:F=LEN$:E=5-F:$="00"+$+"000":$=MID(1,7) 99 RETURN 100 $="232":RETURN 101 $="72":RETURN 102 $="262":RETURN 103 $="27":A=0:RETURN 104 $="4444":RETURN 105 $="0F":A=4:RETURN 106 $="66":A=6:RETURN 107 $="C6":RETURN 108 $="264":A=7:RETURN 109 $="462":RETURN 110 $="6C":A=9:RETURN 111 $="E2":RETURN 112 $="226":RETURN 113 $="8E":RETURN 114 $="644":A=11:RETURN The game must be launched in turbo mode (turn on the MK while holding down '+'). Display view: 123456789012 !------------! !#####******$! !------------! # - "glass" into which the figures fall; the first column of the first segment displays the "bottom" of the glass. * - the descent zone along which the figure descends before falling into the glass. While the figure is ?falling?, it can be controlled. $ - in this segment, after each figure is lowered, a symbol is displayed indicating the number of tens of points scored. The number can be determined in accordance with the decimal code table MK-85, attached to the instruction for the microcomputer. Before a new figure appears, the indicator symbol disappears. For example: the symbol '{' indicates 70-79 points, the symbol '!' - 330-339 points, etc. Controls (if you hold the MK-85 vertically, with the screen facing you): W - figure to the left X - figure to the right S - rotation of the figure A - figure dropping After the figure appears, we have about 5-6 seconds to turn and select a location before the figure passes the drop zone and automatically falls into the glass. You cannot control the figure directly in the glass, because after the descent zone, the figure immediately appears at the bottom of the glass. By default, 4 points are given for each dropped figure, and 7 points for each discarded line. The full number of points will be shown if you lose, after the inscription "Game over". ===================== From the editor: many thanks to Sergei Bogdanov for this game (even if he is not the author, still thanks for posting it on his website sometime in 2000). It?s a pity that there were no instructions for the game and I had to figure it out based on the code. Therefore, I tried to describe all the features of Tetris for the future. The original TXT document is available on the website: